The Racing Cam Series
Hi-Rev Series

Isky Hi-Rev Series cams are manufactured from the finest,high quality Proferal Cast Iron Billets. Combined with mechanical (solid) lifters, they are extremely popular for high-performance dual purpose and competition engines.
These popular Isky cams will provide excellent horsepower and revving ability while using relatively low valve spring pressure, thus assuring long cam and lifter life.
Various grinds are available for most all American-produced automobile engines. From the mild 3/4-race to the Super Competition, this series also offers a wide price range for the enthusiast who prefers the solid lifter cam and kit at a modest cost. We offer the sky Hi-Rev series as the top performing finest quality Proferal Cast Iron Camshafts available today.
After grinding the Isky Hi-Rev series camshaft profiles on high quality Proferal cast iron billets, they are flame hardened, super-finished and Parko Lubrite coated. Isky's superior craftsmanship, plus the use of only the highest quality material, is your assurance of long cam life and years of trouble-free service.
Hydraulic Series

Isky Hi-Rev Series cams are manufactured from the finest,high quality Proferal Cast Iron Billets. Combined with mechanical (solid) lifters, they are extremely popular for high-performance dual purpose and competition engines.
These popular Isky cams will provide excellent horsepower and revving ability while using relatively low valve spring pressure, thus assuring long cam and lifter life.
Various grinds are available for most all American-produced automobile engines. From the mild 3/4-race to the Super Competition, this series also offers a wide price range for the enthusiast who prefers the solid lifter cam and kit at a modest cost. We offer the sky Hi-Rev series as the top performing finest quality Proferal Cast Iron Camshafts available today.
After grinding the Isky Hi-Rev series camshaft profiles on high quality Proferal cast iron billets, they are flame hardened, super-finished and Parko Lubrite coated. Isky's superior craftsmanship, plus the use of only the highest quality material, is your assurance of long cam life and years of trouble-free service.
In former years, the first step in building a high performance engine was to eliminate hydraulic tappets and install mechanical tappets and camshafts. sky has completely reversed this concept . . . today's wiser breed of racer recognizes the advantages of the Isky Hydraulic racing cam and tappet combination.
After years of both dynamometer and field testing, Isky has developed highly advanced concepts in hydraulic cam and lifter design. They are now actually producing more power and rpm than the mechanical(flat tappets) in road-driven cars. This can be attributed to inherent qualities of providing precise cam timing at all times as it operates at zero lash. Thermal expansion and contraction is automatically taken up by the tappets and therefore no valve lash adjustments are required after the initial adjustment. Also there is no tappet noise or hydraulic lifter pump-up, due to accidental over-revving, with the Isky patented Anti-pump-up Hydraulic racing tappets.
For the performance-minded car owner, who wants to use his everyday car for street and drags, with increased horsepower and rpm, this Isky Hydraulic Cam and Coordinated Assembly Kit is ideal. Isky Hydraulic racing cams, and anti-pump-up hydraulic tappets, are available for most popular V-8 and 6-cylinder American engines. Made from the finest, high quality Proferal Cast Iron Billets, these cams are flame hardened, super finished and Parko Lubrite coated for long life.
Hydraulic Roller Series

Isky Hydraulic Roller Camshafts are manufactured from the finest quality, Special Deep Hardened Steel Billets that are fully compatable with stock factory style cast iron distributor gears. We offer a broad assortment of profiles for Small & Big Block Chevy V-8, Late Model 4.3 Litre Chevy V-6 and Late Model Ford 302-HO.
These popular camshaft combinations will yield the best horsepower/torque ratios for those looking for hydraulic roller assemblies. Complete kit assemblies are offered for Early Small & Big Block Chevy V-8’s including retro-fit hydraullic roller lifters. On Late Model Small Block Chevy V-6 & V-8 and Ford 302-HO where the Engines are already equipped with hyd. roller cams and lifters, our kit components are supplied to work in conjunction with the Factory Hyd. Roller Lifters.
You can always be assured of receiving the finest quality components in any Hydraulic Roller Cam Kit from Isky.
Roller Series

STEEL BILLET CAMS . . . For over 35 years ISKY Steel Billet Roller Cams have been machined from solid 8620 steel bar stock. Famous grinds like the 5 Cycle 7000, the 505 Magnums, the 550 Super Le Gerra, the 600 and now the 640 & 747 Roller Magnum have dominated drag strip and oval track racing throughout the country.
ROLLER TAPPETS . . . ISKY patented the first self-locking roller tappet way back in 1958 and for 30 years they've set the standard by which others are judged. Precisely machined from HI-STRENGTH ALLOY STEEL, they have nearly twice the tensile strength of anything else on the market. That is why the 15KV roller tappet assembly with Ultra-Rev Kit will out-rev any other roller in the world. ED ISKENDERIAN was the first to invent, introduce and patent a self-guiding roller tappet. No special tool or machining is required for installation.
The unique self-locking design which "Bridges" the pairs allows slip-in installation. ISKY was also the first to apply for a patent on an ULTRA-REV KIT which is included FREE with all popular V-8 roller assembly kits.Some of the advantages of roller tappets over their flat tappet cousins are:
2. Higher RPM Potential with heavier valve spring loads which overcome inertia forces and maintains valve gear stability.
3. Optimum Valve Motion is attainable with high 0.600+ valve lift cam profiles as the rate of valve lift per degree is not limited to the available tappet diameter as with a flat tappet camshaft.